Discover our program and testing options!

Specialized Programs

Regular Programs

Guy with laptop and Books

Flexible training, small classes, individual tutoring!

Learn french or english online!

People talking with puzzle pieces

Are you planning to apply for the CSQ, permanent residency, or Canadian citizenship? prepare for the TEFaQ with expert tutors in Montreal!

TEF@Q Prep

Join us for our weekly french and english conversation groups. Drop-in sessions and monthly memberships available

Virtual coffee break/La pause-cafe


Practice English or French on your lunch break, from anywhere in the world!

Lunch & Chat

Talking on the phone and computer

Discover 30 and 60-minute sessions

One-on-One Tutoring

Lady tutoring with leaves

We'll help you pass the world's most recognized English proficiency test


Check out pictures of our campus in the heart of downtown montreal and Click to see what learners are saying:


People reviewing

What’s your english and/or french level? Find out with our online test! get a detailed diagnostic report with your personal linguistic profile and review plan.

Diagnostic Test


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